I haven't had a lot of time for crafts lately. We've been working on income tax, discussing our positions on some important Biblical issues, trying to figure out how to pay for some very expensive medication that Phil needs sooner rather than later - fun stuff like that. One other thing I am doing is showing hospitality. The Contemporary English Version of the Bible renders I Peter 4:9 this way: "Welcome people into your home and don't grumble about it." How many times have you complained about something when you've invited people over for dinner? Perhaps the table didn't look right, or you asked a family member to do a chore and it wasn't done to your satisfaction. Or maybe the person you've invited to dine with you is picky about his/her food. Did your guests arrive late, wreaking havoc with the dinner? The list could go on and on! The point is, when we invite others into our home, we need to have a cheerful heart. I'm being challenged to truly serve my family (and friends), to forget about myself and my comfort, and focus on others and their needs.
To that end, I have been making elaborate - at least for me - meals of late, usually several times a week. What do I mean by that? Making certain that I have a main dish, vegetable, salad or other comparable side dish, and bread/starch, plus dessert. I admit to having become lazy when preparing meals for my family; sometimes, all I give them to eat is a main dish. Shame on me! You know what? I'm enjoying the challenge and the cooking! Of course, it helps that our frequent guest is truly wonderful, and feels comfortable with us and our home.
I suppose this post really belongs on
my other blog, but I wanted to share what I've been doing. I long to do some sewing, but right now, I can't get to the sewing machine as Sarah has a project set out on the table. Besides, I have paperwork that must be done. Sigh.