To begin, I reviewed the cards I pinned to my Pinterest board, and chose the first one on this page as my inspiration. Next, I started pulling out embossing folders, Spellbinders dies, rubber stamps, ribbon and lace, bling, and an ink pad - anything I thought I might use.
Did you notice the most important element for making this card? Yup - M & Ms, peanut variety!
I had only eight different embossing folders that were approximately 2" x 2": Cuttlebug's Fancy Corners and Formal Squares. In the picture below, you can see how I taped four folders at a time onto the B plate for my Cuttlebug before running it through the machine.
After I embossed all my pieces, I needed to figure out how to position them on the card.
I played around with them quite a bit before I was satisfied and felt the design was balanced. I'm strange like that - I have to have some things "just right", especially my cards. The other challenge I had with this card was getting eight pieces secured to the card front with an equal amount of space between them. There was a lot of measuring involved! In the picture below, you can see that I started by taping down the four corner pieces.
From there, it was a simple matter of putting the other pieces on. Before I used pop dots to attach the center medallion, I had to choose which ribbon or lace to use; I ended up choosing a beautiful tone on tone white ribbon. It went around the card front, and was secured to the back using my tape runner.
You can see how difficult it was to position enough pop dots on the back of the medallion. I ended up cutting some in half, no easy task because they are so small!
I attached the red card front to my card base, which I pieced together using Bekka's excellent instructions at the bottom of her post here. I finished off my card by placing a couple of pearls on the medallion.
Because of the size of my card - which, of course, I neglected to write down - I made my own envelope using my Martha Stewart Scoring Board.
This was a fun card to make. I loved working with red (the couple's favorite color) and white, as well as finally using my small embossing folders to create this elegant card.