This is Kelly, our sweet 10-year old Black Lab/Chow Chow mix. We are so curious about her parents. Labs are sweet dogs, very obedient, smart, and friendly. Chows, on the other hand, are aggressive, mean, and rather stupid. We have been told several times while at the vet clinic that they dread seeing a Chow come through the door! Kelly inherited the sweetness and gentleness of a Lab, but the stupidity of a Chow. Obedience is optional in her mind. And if you have a treat, she'll go through all her tricks, probably hoping that one of them will be the one you asked her to do! Poor Kelly has severe allergies, and spends a lot of time on Prednisone every summer when they become so bad that all she can do is lick her paws and other body parts. We have to watch her carefully year round for skin and ear infections.
Cassie has been venturing down to the first floor of the house a lot more since our other kitty died. She still will not stand up to the dog, but if Kelly chases her out of a room, Cassie will now come back to where we are. She still loves to be wherever I am.