The card is really very simple. The decorative paper (Paper Pizazz) was cut using Spellbinders Labels Eight, then mounted on a piece of red cardstock (even though it looks orange in the picture). The Diploma stamp is by Inkadinkado, which I stamped with Memento Tuxedo Black ink, and cut out with Spellbinders Classic Ovals. I then mounted it on a larger oval, cut with the same set.
The Congratulations stamp is by Uptown Rubber Stamps. I used a water-based marker to color it, then stamped it on white cardstock, again mounting it on a piece of black. Both the diploma and congratulations were affixed to the card using 1/4" pop dots.
Personal news: I am scheduled for knee replacement surgery on Tuesday, July 23. At the time I am writing this blog post (about 10 days prior to it going live), my pain level continues to increase. I use a cane whenever I go out, but I told my husband that I think my shopping days are pretty much over for now. (Thank goodness for Amazon!) I don't really know what to expect as far as recovery goes - it may be more difficult because I have fibromyalgia - but I know that it will be worth it to finally have a knee that works. (I have had problems with my knee since my late teens.) I don't know when I will be able to blog again - we have a lot of appointments between July 1 and July 18 - but I do hope to get some crocheting and maybe cross stitch done while I am recovering, so as long as I can remember to take pictures, I will have projects to share. And if I am able to schedule a few more posts in advance, I will do just that!