As for me, I am looking forward to getting some sleep. The days of being awakened from a sound sleep by the loud bang of a hammer accompanied by the shaking of the house are almost over. 2010 will bring its own excitement and challenges. We have a wedding to plan, a son (in-law) moving in, the transition to having a married daughter to explore.
I have one personal goal, and that is to lose weight before the wedding. The last time I was on the scale, I was shocked, so I haven't used it since! Ideally, assuming I haven't shed any pounds since I last checked, I would like to rid myself of 20 pounds. But even 10 or 15 would be acceptable, and would help ease the pressure on my bad knee quite a bit. Sarah would also like to lose a few pounds before we alter her bridesmaid dress, so I am hoping we can encourage each other.
There is one crafting goal I'd also like to meet, and that is to complete Grace and Anthony's wedding sampler. I haven't worked on it all month, choosing instead to stitch some Christmas ornaments. I will need to finish those - even though Christmas is over! - and get back to the sampler. The winter Olympics begin in about six weeks, and I know I'll make progress during them since we enjoy watching many of the events.
What about you? Do you make resolutions or set goals for the new year?