My wonderful hubby bought me a cordless mini optical mouse when we were out on Tuesday, so I can once again use the laptop with ease. Touch pads just do not work for me!
Here is
Garden Pleasures, finally completed. I have not yet decided on a finish finish, but I'm leaning toward a frame. What do you think?

I thought I'd do a quick, weekend stitch, but as
Murphy would have it, I kept making mistakes, and a two to three day stitch took five days. But here it is,
Herbs, by Elizabeth's Designs. I made a couple of changes: I couldn't find the correct purple floss for the rosemary flowers in my floss box, so I chose one that seemed similar. I also decided to do french knots, instead of tiny
x's for those flowers.

I'm thinking this would make a good first pinkeep.
Tonight was our weekly stitching night. I had gone through my charts earlier in the week and pulled out the ones I had most of the floss for; then I went to A. C. Moore and got a bunch of DMC floss (it was 4/$1, so with tax I spent $3.24, well within my budget.) This afternoon, I cut fabrics for about eight projects, serged the edges, then put each chart and fabric in a bag. I took the whole pile to our friend's house, spread them out on the floor, and after a bit of deliberation, I chose

I hope this will indeed be a quick stitch. After putting it on my mini scroll frame, I realized I had to take it off in order to find the center of the fabric. Silly me. I did manage to get the word "long" stitched in spite of talking more than we do sometimes. We will see how I progress.