Thursday, February 7, 2008

Candle Craft

I've been meaning to do this for several years, and finally got to it while waiting for dinner. A friend gave me the cute blue plate many years ago. She had put some mini pinecones and other
items in the empty spaces; these disappeared over the years, along with the original candles. The off-white candle split when I dropped it, and it looked terrible, but I couldn't see throwing it out, so when I saw this idea in a magazine, I knew it was a perfect solution. I cut the two papers about 3/4" longer than I needed, glued them together, then put them around the candle, securing the ends with adhesive. I attached the sheer, gold-edged with a couple of straight pins. I also secured the blue decorative thread with one pin in the center back.

If the candles were unused, the arrangement would look much nicer, but for now, this works. Oh, and it probably goes without saying that the decoration should be removed if the candle is to be lit.

1 comment:

Michelle said...


Great job on repairing your candle and making it beautiful!
