Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Last of the Snowmen

This is my first flat fold. All I can say is that trim hides a multitude of mistakes, for which I am truly thankful! I did put all my other snowmen away, but while it's spring in my heart, we were blessed with about 4" of heavy wet snow on Thursday night. I don't think it will last, as the temps are going up, bringing rain with them.

This coming week is going to be busy: I'm finally getting my hair cut (haven't had it done since December, when I got a perm), we all have dental appointments, and on Thursday Phil begins chemo. I plan to do some stitching while sitting with Phil. As for the rest of the week, who knows?

Oh, and does anyone know why there are blue boxes around my pictures and signature? I don't get them on my other blog, but I can't figure out what's different. Any help would be appreciated!


~~Deby said...

He is sooo cute...
Looks good to me.

Michelle said...

Great job on the flat fold. The snowman is cute too. I'm getting my hair cut this week too~can't wait! We were to have pretty weather today, but it's kinda overcast and cool.

Sorry, I can't help with blogger issues..maybe it will correct itself.

Have a wonderful weekend..


Samantha Caffee said...

I found your blog tonight and I just had to say hey since it looks like we have all the same interest! Martha Pullen, Keepers at home! WOW! Nice to meet you.